Multiple Reflections
What is an image? Our eyes are designed to sense where the light came from. Even if the light didn’t actually originate there, if our eyes feel that way, our eyes say there’s an image there. When two mirrors face … more
Science Simulations
What is an image? Our eyes are designed to sense where the light came from. Even if the light didn’t actually originate there, if our eyes feel that way, our eyes say there’s an image there. When two mirrors face … more
You can adjust the spacing and position of the slits. Young’s double slit experiment Young’s interference experiment is as follows: The light diffracted from the small holes S0 on-screen ‘A’ passes through the small holes S1 and S2. Light passing … more
Superposition and interference of waves Two matters cannot be in the same location. But, two or more waves can be in the same space and at the same time. Throwing two stones into the pond creates an interference pattern due … more