Electromagnetic Waves around of Visible Rays

Electromagnetic Waves around of Visible Rays

Electromagnetic radiation refers to the electromagnetic field waves radiating through space-time, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy. It includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. Types of Electromagnetic Wave Electromagnetic waves are classified based on the length … more

Color Panel

Color Panel

Selecting the button to changes the background color. Use it when you need a specific color in various scientific experiments.

Water Waves

Water Waves

Water Wave When you throw a stone into a calm lake, a circle of concentric waves is created and spreads around. The phenomenon that vibration created in one place spreads to the surroundings is called a wave. If you make … more

LCD Display

LCD Display

Color and Eye Recognition Visible light has various colors. Light has a different color depending on the wavelength (or frequency). So, how do people perceive color? Cone cells in the eye’s retina recognize color. There are three kinds of cone … more