

Resonance Resonance is a phenomenon in which the amplitude increases at a specific frequency. The resonance phenomenon can be easily observed around us. 1. Swing When you push the swing, if you push it well according … more

Superposition Simulation


Superposition and interference of waves Two matters cannot be in the same location. But, two or more waves can be in the same space and at the same time. Throwing two stones into the pond creates … more

Quantum of Light

Quantum of Light

This simulation assumed that a candle emits all its energy in only one specific wavelength. The power of the candle is assumed to be 50W. The emitted wave diagram is for understanding only and does not … more

Diode making

Diode making

A diode is an electronic component that conducts current primarily in one direction. It has low resistance in one direction, and high resistance in the other. A diode is made by joining an n-type and p-type … more



A thermometer is a device used to measure temperature. There are several types of thermometers, depending on how the temperature is measured. Thermal Expansion: Uses the principle that the volume expands with increasing temperature. Mercury thermometer, … more

Diagonals of Polygons

Diagonals of Polygons

Diagonals of Polygons Diagonals are lines that connect the vertices of a polygon. However, segments that connect adjacent vertices are not called diagonal. A triangle has no diagonal because all vertices are adjacent to each other. … more