Buoyancy Experiment
The fluid in the beaker is water, and its density is assumed to be 1 g/mL. The volume of the object is assumed to be 100 mL. Buoyancy When we wear a life jacket, our bodies float on the water … more
Science Simulations
The fluid in the beaker is water, and its density is assumed to be 1 g/mL. The volume of the object is assumed to be 100 mL. Buoyancy When we wear a life jacket, our bodies float on the water … more
Why is the submerged volume important to understand buoyancy? It is so famous that the 3rd-century Greek philosopher Archimedes shouted “Eureka!” and ran out of the bathhouse naked. (What did Archimedes find out? – Quotations from middle school science textbooks) … more
It is an optical experiment simulator consisting of a slit laser, lenses, and mirrors of various shapes. You can experiment by dragging the tool you want. Slit lasers are rotatable. Try dragging the red icon behind the laser. You can … more
This simulation allows you to measure speed as a function of fall height. Free fall movement All objects on Earth are affected by gravity. If there were no friction with air, the speed of any object would increase by 9.8 … more
Same Circuit In an electric circuit, voltage occurs at both ends of the cell. The place where this voltage is released is called ‘load’. In typical textbooks, ‘load’ is often replaced by a light bulb or resistor. Since a typical … more
시간과 분을 텍스트로 입력하면 자동으로 알람이 작동됩니다. 편집 (시간, 분, 차임 번호) 세팅 결과 If you enter the alarm schedule line by line in the yellow notepad, you can view the setting status in the green notepad. Enter the hour, … more
Leyden Jar The Leyden Jar is a tool (capacitor) created in the 18th century for storing static electricity. The Leyden Jar is made of glass, with metal foil surrounding the inside and outside of the bottle. The two thin metal … more
* You can move ion particles with the mouse. Movement of Ion particles Ions acquire electric charge by gaining or losing valence electrons, depending on the type of atom. Electric forces act between charged substances. A pushing force acts between … more
Potentiometer The potentiometer is an electronic component that allows you to adjust the resistance value freely. The potentiometer is used to adjust the volume of sound in audio equipment and so on. How is the structure of the potentiometer? … more
Water vapor in the air Liquid water can evaporate and turn into water vapor in the air. Conversely, water vapor in the air may turn back into the water. Some are very dry, with no moisture at all, such as … more
The Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical game or puzzle. The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the following simple rules: Only one disk can be moved at a time. Each move … more
Ultrasonic rangefinder This sensor measures distance using the return time after ultrasonic waves are emitted. Please use the HC-SR04P (or HC-SR04+) sensor for 3V and 5V. Please note that 5V-only HC-SR04 will not operate. Connect the sensor’s Trig terminal to … more