Stellar Parallax
Parallax When an object is close to me, you can use a ruler to measure the distance. But, it isn’t easy to measure when the object is away from me. In this case, how can you … more
Science Simulations
Parallax When an object is close to me, you can use a ruler to measure the distance. But, it isn’t easy to measure when the object is away from me. In this case, how can you … more
Celestial coordinate system A celestial sphere is an abstract sphere centered on an observer. All objects in the sky can be conceived as projected upon the celestial sphere’s inner surface. Horizontal Coordinate System The horizontal Coordinate … more
Celestial coordinate system A celestial sphere is an abstract sphere centered on an observer. All objects in the sky can be conceived as projected upon the celestial sphere’s inner surface. Equatorial system The equatorial coordinate system … more
Constellations If you look at the sky where there is no light on a clear night, there are so many stars that can not count. Thousands of years ago, the ancients linked stars to create constellations … more
Paraffin, the main ingredient of candles Paraffin, the main ingredient of candles, is alkane hydrocarbons in which 20 to 40 carbon atoms are linked in a chain. It does not dissolve in water as a polar … more
The tilt relationship of the celestial sphere and ecliptic The celestial equator is the enlargement of the earth’s equator to the celestial sphere. Therefore, the celestial equator can be represented by a line fixed on the … more
Theo Jansen He is the leading artist of kinetic art with the nickname of Da Vinci in the 21st century. He is famous for making wind-driven structures using simple materials such as PET bottles, tubes, and … more
Charle’s Law Assuming constant pressure, increasing the temperature of the gas will speed up the molecular motion. As the gas often collides with the vessel wall, the volume increases. Conversely, if you lower the temperature of … more
Boyle’s Law If you press the piston of a syringe containing a certain number of gas molecules, the gas molecules’ space is reduced. Therefore, the gas molecules collide with the syringe wall more and more. As … more
Apparent Motion of Mars If you observe the motion of Mars, you can see that you go forward and go backward. This procession of Mars has been regarded as mysterious since ancient times. In the past, … more
Three elements of force When a force acts on an object, the object’s motion varies depending on the Three elements of force. That is the magnitude, direction, and point of action. Therefore, when displaying a force, … more
Water Wave When you throw a stone into a calm lake, a circle of concentric waves is created and spreads around. The phenomenon that vibration created in one place spreads to the surroundings is called a … more