Classroom Roulette

Classroom Lottery Board v2 (Editable)

It is a lottery roulette that can be used in various places. You can edit the items displayed on the roulette. If you turn on the checkbox, the winning numbers will be deleted each time you spin the roulette wheel. … more

Ecosystem Simulation

Ecosystem Simulation v2

About this simulation The length of the red bar shows the vitality. It gradually decreases with time. When the vitality is zero, it naturally dies. The green bars show stamina (nutritional status). If it is short, it is in a … more

Spectrum Analysis of Sound

Spectrum Analysis of Sound 2

This simulation analyzes the sound around you and displays it as a spectrum. The simulation works by recognizing the surrounding sounds. In the case of PC, please grant permission to use the microphone. Voice data is not stored on servers, … more

Iris and ciliary body

Iris and Ciliary Body

Iris muscles In the iris, the ‘Iris sphincter muscle’ constricts the pupil, and the ‘Iris dilator muscle’ enlarges the pupil. Both muscles work in reverse, controlling the size of the pupil. Ciliary body connected to the lens The lens of … more