Weather front and temperate cyclone

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Temperate cyclone (also known as Extra-tropical cyclone)

The temperate zone is where the north’s cold air mass meets the south’s warm air mass.
When two different chunks of air meet, they cannot mix right away. At this time, light warm air rises, and low air pressure is formed.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the low pressure rotates counterclockwise and is accompanied by two weather front types. (Clockwise in the southern hemisphere)

Cold front

It is a weather front created by a cold air mass rapidly digging under a warm air mass.
As the cold air rapidly digs under the warm air, the warm air rises rapidly, creating a vertically developed cloud. And it rains a lot in small areas.
In general, when the cold front passes, the weather becomes cloudy, rain may occur, and the temperature decreases.

Warm front

A warm front means that the low-pressure warm air rises above the cold air.
As the warm air spreads over the cold air, thin clouds create a weak rain.
In general, when the warm front passes, the temperature rises, and the weather clears under the influence of warm air masses.