Normal Distribution
There are 10 black stones and 10 white stones in your pocket. What is the distribution of the number of black stones when I take out 10 randomly? Binomial distribution When you take a stone out of your bag, the … more
Nuclear Chain Reaction
Caution This simulation is intended to understand the principle of fission, and the proportions of the model presented may not match the reality. The nucleus was exaggerated and drawed large. The electrons around the nucleus were not shown. The principle … more
Molecular Weight Calculator
If you click on the elements in order, the molecular weight that is summed by adding the atomic weight is displayed. For example, if you want to know the molecular weight of water (H2O), click H twice, then click O … more
Lorenz’s Waterwheel
Lorenz’s waterwheel Let’s say you have a waterwheel with a bucket with a small hole in the floor. When water drips from the faucet above, the bucket runs down and spins. Then, let’s predict which direction the waterwheel will turn. … more
Law of Definite Proportions 2
Lead iodide sediment formation reaction If you continue to add the lead nitrate solution to a certain amount of potassium iodide solution, the amount of sediment produced will continue to increase at the beginning and will no longer increase at … more
Genetic Diversity
Genetic diversity Suppose a child inherits chromosomes from parents and constructs a new pair of chromosome pairs. A child can receive an ‘A’ or ‘a’ from his mother and a ‘B’ or ‘b’ from his father. So, the child can … more
Heat Capacity
Heat capacity ‘Heat capacity’ is the amount of heat to raise the temperature of an object by 1℃. The heat capacity of an object is the specific heat of the object multiplied by the object’s mass. Since the heat capacity … more
Specific Heat
Specific Heat When you apply the same amount of heat to metal and water of the same mass, the metal temperature change is greater than that of water. This is because the amount of heat required to change the temperature … more
Epeirogenic movement
Epeirogenic movement(Epeirogeny) It is a phenomenon that the crust is slowly rising or sinking over a wide range. The crust rests on a dense mantle and balances forces. Therefore, when the high part of the crust is cut down due … more