Status of water

State of Water 2

* By adjusting the temperature of the thermometer, you can observe the state of the water corresponding to the temperature. * Depending on the temperature of the water, some water molecules may evaporate. State of matter The material around us … more

Javalab MBL Frame

Javalab Logger 3D Frame

We printed a plastic frame to use Javalab Logger (Microbit data logger system) conveniently. Microbit, expansion board, and batteries are integrated into one frame, making it more convenient. We provide the 3D printing data below. Here’s the back. The reset … more

Classroom Roulette

Classroom Lottery Board v2 (Editable)

It is a lottery roulette that can be used in various places. You can edit the items displayed on the roulette. If you turn on the checkbox, the winning numbers will be deleted each time you spin the roulette wheel. … more

Ecosystem Simulation

Ecosystem Simulation v2

About this simulation The length of the red bar shows the vitality. It gradually decreases with time. When the vitality is zero, it naturally dies. The green bars show stamina (nutritional status). If it is short, it is in a … more