Robotic Vacuum Coding

Robotic vacuum cleaner

Goals of coding The room is filled with dirty dust. You must order the robot vacuum cleaner to clean the room. Combine the blocks to make the room clean. Not all blocks may be used.

정렬(소팅) 게임

Sorting game

How to play Select two cards. The selected card turns red. If you want to exchange the selected card, press the [Switch] button. If you think all the cards are in order, press the [Flip All] button to confirm. Try … more

Rutherford Scattering

Rutherford Scattering

Discovery of nuclei At the beginning of the 20th century, little was known about atoms’ structure, except that atoms contain electrons. At the time, the atom was thought to be as a model of pudding containing raisins. According to this … more

Sum of Exterior Angle

Sum of Exterior Angle

Polygonal Exterior Angle Imagine drawing a polygon with a pencil. While drawing a straight line with a pencil, We change the direction at the vertex. The size of the angle changing direction at the vertex becomes ‘exterior angle.’ If you … more



hygrometer It is a simple device that allows you to determine the humidity by measuring the difference in how much water evaporates. Compared to a simple structure, humidity can be measured relatively accurately. Before electronic hygrometers became popular, psychrometers were … more