What color does it look?


Three primary colors of light

Red, green, and blue are called the three primary colors of light. You can create any color by adjusting the light of these three colors appropriately.

Mixed three primary lights

  • red + green = yellow
  • red + blue = magenta
  • green + blue = cyan

Combining the lights of various colors increases the amount of light coming into the eyes, so it looks brighter.

Color and Eye Recognition

Visible light has various colors. Light has a different color depending on the wavelength (or frequency).
So, how do people perceive color? Cone cells in the eye’s retina recognize color. There are three kinds of cone cells. Cone cells recognize red, green, and blue light, respectively.
If two or more cells react simultaneously, we recognize another color. The synthesis of light is done in the brain. In fact, you can create full colors by combining red, green, and blue light. TV and monitor screens use this principle.