�ڹٽ����� JavaLab.org �ڹٽ����� JavaLab
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�ֱ� ������Ʈ Last Updates

�ϱؼ��� ���� Latitude of Polaris

���� ���� Parallax of Eyes

���� ��ǥ�� Equator Coordinate System

���� ��ǥ�� Horizontal Coordinate System

���� ���� Stellar Parallax

���� ������ DC Motor

�Ľ�Į�� ���� Pascals Principle

���� ǥ���� Area of Lung

�����۵��� ���� ���� Rutherford Scattering

�����۵��� ���� ������ ���� �� �������� ũ�� Rutherford Scattering & Size of Nucleus

������ Capacitor

�µ��� ���� �ӵ� Temperature and Reaction Rate

õ���� ������ Ȳ�� Celestial Equator and the Ecliptic

�̽��� ������ ���� Dew

��ȭ ���� ���� Neutralization Reaction Model 2

���� �ڲ� ���� �����Ϳ�. Why does the moon seem to follow me?

������ Electric Potential 2

��ȭ ���� ���� Neutralization Reaction Model

���ڼ��� ����(�������� ����) Evidence of Particulate Theory

���� ���� ���� ������ Stratum Making

�ﰢ���� �簢�� Triangle and Tetragon

���ǻ���Ŭ���̵� Epicycloid

����������Ŭ���̵� Hypocycloid

LCD �����÷��� LCD Display
<% End If %> <% if Request("sec") = "" then %>
<% End If %> <% if Request("sec") = "" then %>
How to use
  ���콺�� Ŭ�� click�ϰų�, �հ������� ������ ��ġ Touch�ϸ� �۵��˴ϴ�.
  ���콺�� �巡�� drag�ϰų�, �հ������� ȭ���� �ѹ� ��ġ�� �� �ٽ� �������� �۵��˴ϴ�.
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "physics") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "mechanics")) Then %>
���� � Mechanics

�Ÿ��� ���� Distance and Displacement

���� �շ�(���� �ռ�) Addition of Force

���� �շ�(���� �ռ�) Addition of Force 2

�߷��� ������ ���� Range and Intensity of the Gravity

���� �༺�� �߷� ���� Gravity Difference on Several Planet

���� ��ȣ�ۿ�(������� Ʈ������) Interaction Force

���� Inertia

�ӵ��� �ð����ϰ� Velocity and Time Recorder

���� � Constant Velocity

��� � Uniformly Accelerated Motion

�ΰ������� ����(���ɷ�) Principle of Satellite(Centripetal Force)

���� ����� ���� Condition of Circular Movement

���ܼӷ�(���� ���� �� �ӷ�) Terminal Velocity

�浹 Collision

����(��) Impulse

�ѷ��ڽ����� ������ ������ ���� Conservation of Mechanical Energy in Rollercoaster

���� ���������� Pulley with One String

������ ���������� Pulley with Many String

� �������� ���� �Ÿ� Kinetic Energy and Stopping Distance

3ü ���� 3 Body Problem(Approximate Simulation)

�������� �ֱ� Period of Pendulum

������ ���� Newton`s Cradle

��������(�׷���Ƽ ���ý�Ʈ, ���� ȿ��) Swingby(Gravity Assist)

��������(�׷���Ƽ ���ý�Ʈ, ���� ȿ��) Swingby(Gravity Assist) 2

��������(���� ��� ����) Swingby(Conservation of momentum in bouncing ball)

�Ƹ�Ű�޵����� ���� Archimedes Principle(Buoyancy)

�Ƹ�Ű�޵����� ���� Archimedes Principle(Buoyancy) 2
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "physics") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "electricity")) Then %>
������ �ڱ� Electricity & Magnetism

������ Static Electricity

������ ���� Electrostatic Induction

������ ���� Electrostatic Induction 2

������ Electroscope

���� ��ü ǥ���� ���� ���� Charge Distribution on a thin Conductive Plate

���� Electric Current

���� ��Ģ Ohm`s Law

������ Electric Potential

������ Electric Potential 2

�������� ���� Electric Potential

���� ������ ���� ���ῡ���� ������ Electric Potential in Serial and Parallel Circuit

������������ ���캻 ���� ���ῡ���� ���� ���� Voltage Dividing in Audio Volume

������ ���� DC and AC

Ʈ�������� Transistor

Ʈ�������� Transistor 2

�����ڼ� ������ �ڱ��� Magnetic Field around a Bar Magnet

�����ڼ��� �ڱ��� Magnetic Field of a Bar Magnet

��ȭ Magnetization

�ڱ��� Magnetic Force

�˷��̴� ������ ö ���� �и��ϱ� Separation of Steel and Aluminum

���� ������ �ڱ��� Magnetic Field around a Wire

���� ���� ������ �ڱ��� Magnetic Field around a Circular Wire

���� ������ �ڱ��� Magnetic Field around a Coil

��� �� Lorentzs Force

���� ������ DC Motor

����Ŀ Speaker

�з������� ���ڱ� ���� ��Ģ Faraday`s Law of Electromagnetic Induction

�з������� ���ڱ� ���� ��Ģ Faraday`s Law of Electromagnetic Induction 2

������ Capacitor

������ ���� ����ü Dielectric in Capacitor

�δ���(����)�� Ŀ�н���(������) Properties of Inductor(Coil) and Capacitor

�δ���(����)�� Ŀ�н���(������) Properties of Inductor(Coil) and Capacitor 2

�δ���(����)�� Ŀ�н���(������) Properties of Inductor(Coil) and Capacitor 3
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "physics") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "light")) Then %>
�� Light

���� ���ٴ� �� Seeing the Light

�ſ� Mirror

���ݻ� Diffuse Reflection

���ݻ� Diffuse Reflection 2

���� ���� Light Refraction

���� ���� Light Refraction 2

���ݻ��� ������ Total Internal Reflection and Optical Fiber

���� ������ ���� ���� Convex Lens and Concave Lens

���� �ſ��� ���� �ſ� Convex Mirror and Concave Mirror

�ٽ�, ������ ���� Correction of Near-sightedness and Far-sightedness

���� ������ Three Primary Colors

�������� ������ Colored Light and Colored Paper

LCD �����÷��� LCD Display

�������� ��ġ Rainbow Formation

������(����Ʈ��) Rainbow Colors(Spectrum)

���ñ��� �ֺ��� ���ڱ��� Electromagnetic Waves around of Visible Rays
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "physics") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "wave")) Then %>
�ĵ� Wave

�ĵ��� ���� Wave Propagation

������ Water Waves

�Ҹ������� ������ �߻� Tuning Fork and Sound Wave

�ſ��� ���� Principle of Mirror

���� ���� ���� Young`s Double Slit

���� ���� ���� ���� Thin Film Interference(Rainbow Colors in Soapy Bubble)

������ �ռ� Standing Wave Synthesis

�پ��� ��Ȳ������ ������ Standing Waves in various situations

���DZ��� ������ Standing Waves on a String

���� ��� ���� ������ Standing Waves on a Drum Surface

ȭ�� Chord
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "physics") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "atoms")) Then %>
���ڿ� ���빰�� Atoms & Modern Physics

������ ũ�� Scale of Atom

������ ���� Structure of an Atom

�����۵��� ���� ���� Rutherford Scattering

�����۵��� ���� ������ ���� �� �������� ũ�� Rutherford Scattering & Size of Nucleus

������ ���� ���� Bohr`s Atomic Model

���� ���ҵ��� �Ҳ� ���� Flame Test

���� ������ ����Ʈ�� Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom

�����Ŀ� ���������� ���� ���� Matter Wave and de Broglie`s Atomic Model

������ �� ������ ���� Absorption and Emission of Light

�ϴ��� �Ķ� ���� Why is the Sky Blue

��Į�� �ݼӰ� ��Į�� ���ݼ� Alkali metal and Alkaline earth metal

�ٺп� ���� ���� Nuclear Chain Reaction

���缺 ������ �ݰ��� Half Life Period of a Radioactive Substance

������ ���� Energy Band

����ȿ�� Photoelectric Effect

����ȿ�� Photoelectric Effect 2
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "chemistry") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "thermodynamics")) Then %>
���� ��� ������ Molecular Movement and Thermodynamics

������ȯ Countercurrent Exchange

��ü ���� � ���� Kinetic Model of Gases

���� ��Ȳ������ ��ü ������ ��� �� ���� Movement of Gas Molecules and their Volume in Various Condition

������ � Brownian Motion

�ƺ��������� ��Ģ Avogadro`s Law

������ ���� Principal of Straw

������ ��Ģ(��ü�� �з°� ���� ����) Boyle`s Law

������ J�ڰ� ����(�����ֿ� ������ ����) Boyles J Tube(the Relation of Mercury Column to Atmospheric Pressure)

�κ� �з��� ��Ģ Law of Partial Pressure

���� ���� � Heat and Motion of Molecules

�µ��� ���� �ӵ� Temperature and Reaction Rate

������ ����(��ü, ��ü, ��ü) Status(Solid, Liquid, Gas)

���� ���� ��ȭ(�������� ����������) Status Change of Water(from Ice to Steam)

������ Three Phase Equilibrium

���� Specific Heat

���뷮 Heat Capacity

������ ��Ģ(��ü�� �µ��� ���� ����) Charle`s Law

������ ��Ģ �׷��� Graph of Charle`s Law

�µ��� Thermometer

���� ���� Conduction

���� ���� Convection

���̸�Ż Bimetal

������ ���� ���� Equilibrium of Radiation

���� ���� Dissolution Process

������ ���� �з� ���� Vapor Pressure Lowering

PV ���̾��׷� Pressure Volume Diagram

ī���� ���� Carnot Engines

���ָ� ������ ���� ��ȯ ���� Otto Cycle at Gasoline Engines

���������� ���� - Bernoulli`s Principle

�Ľ�Į�� ���� Pascals Principle
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "chemistry") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "reactions")) Then %>
ȭ�� ���� Chemical Reactions

���ʿ��� �Ͼ�� ȭ�� ��ȭ Chemical Change of Candle

���ڽ� Molecular Formula

��ü ������ ��Ģ(�������� �ռ�) Stoichiometry with Water(Steam) Synthesis

��ü ������ ��Ģ(�ϸ��Ͼ��� �ռ�) Stoichiometry with Ammonia Synthesis

���� ���к��� ��Ģ Law of Definite Proportions

���� ���к��� ��Ģ Law of Definite Proportions 2

��ȭ ���� ���� Neutralization Reaction Model

��ȭ ���� ���� Neutralization Reaction Model 2

������ ���� �ӵ� Reaction Rate of Solution

���� ���� ���ϱ� Determination of Stability Constants in Equilibrium Condition

�� ��Ʋ������ ��Ģ(�󵵿� ȭ�� ���� �̵�) Le Chateliers Principle

�� ��Ʋ������ ����(�з°� ȭ�� ���� �̵�) Le Chateliers Principle
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "chemistry") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "bonds")) Then %>
���ڿ� ȭ�� ���� Molecules and Chemical Bonds

���ڼ��� ����(�������� ����) Evidence of Particulate Theory

���� ��ü ������ ���� ���� Covalent Bond of Hydrogen Gas

�� ������ ���� ���� Covalent Bond of Water

��ȭ��Ʈ���� �̿� ���� Ionic Bond of NaCl

�̿� ���� ������ Ionic Bond

�̿� ��ȯ ���� Ion Exchange Resin

�ݼ��� ������ Activity Series of Metals

���� �� ���ڰ� ������ �������� Polarity of Water

ǥ������ Surface Tension

�ؼ� ���ڿ� ���ؼ� ���� Polar Molecule and Nonpolar Molecule

�ݼ��� ���� �ٴ� ���� Electron Sea Model for Metallic Bonding

�ݼ��� ������ ���� Ductile and Malleable Properties of Pure Metal

������ ���� ����(���� VR��) Structure of Ice(for Google VR)

���ڷ� ������ Molecular Weight Calculator

������(�����׸�) Ester

÷�� ���� Addition Polymerization
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "chemistry") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "electrochem")) Then %>
����ȭ�� Electrochemistry

��Ÿ ���� Voltaic Cell

�ٴϿ� ���� Daniel Cell

ǥ�� ȯ�� ���� Standard Reduction Potentials

���� ���� Electric Plating

���� ���� ���� Electrolysis of Water
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "biology")) Then %>
�������� Biology

���̰� Microscope

������ �� ������? Why Are Cells Small?

���� ǥ���� Area of Lung

���� ���� Osmosis

�ƹڼ� ������ �ʽð� Stopwatch for Pulse Measurement

������ ������ ���� Human Gene Transfer

�������� �������� Asexual Reproduction and Sexual Reproduction

���°� Ecosystem
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "earthscience") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "geology")) Then %>
������ Geology

�������� ������ ��Ģ Seismometer and Inertia

������ Seismic Wave

���� ���� ���� ������ Stratum Making

����� Epeirogeny

�ֻ������� ���� Formation Model of Columnar Joint
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "earthscience") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "meteorology")) Then %>
������ Meteorology

������ Atmospheric Pressure

�̽��� ������ ���� Dew

��ȭ �����ⷮ � Graph of Saturated Vapor

��ȭ �����ⷮ � Graph of Saturated Vapor 2

�����а� ������ High Atmospheric Pressure and Low Atmospheric Pressure

������(�ڸ��ø� ȿ��) Coriolis Effect
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "earthscience") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "astrology")) Then %>
õ���� �Ϲ� Astrology

���� ��ǥ�� Horizontal Coordinate System

���� ��ǥ�� Equator Coordinate System

���������� ���� ������ Galilean Telescope

���÷��� ���� ������ Keplerian Telescope

���� �ݻ� ������ Newtonian Reflector

õ������ ������ the Geocentric Theory and the Copernican Theory

õü���� ���� � Diurnal Motion

���� �ϴ��� ���� � Diurnal Motion of North Sky

���ڸ� Constellations

���ڸ��� Star Wheel

���� ���� Stellar Classification

Ȳ�� 12�� Zodiac

Ȳ�� 12�� Zodiac 2

���� ���� Parallax of Eyes

���� ���� Stellar Parallax

���� ����(���� VR��) Stellar Parallax(for Google VR)

1 �ļ��� �Ÿ� Distance of 1 pc

���÷� ȿ���� ���� ���� Doppler Effect and RedShift
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "earthscience") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "moon")) Then %>
������ �� Earth and Moon

�ϱؼ��� ���� Latitude of Polaris

������ �޺� Parallel Rays of Sun (�����佺�׳׽��� ����)

������ ũ�� ���� Measuring the Earth

õ���� ������ Ȳ�� Celestial Equator and the Ecliptic

���� �ڲ� ���� �����Ϳ�. Why does the moon seem to follow me?

���� ���� 50�� �� �ʰ� �ߴ� ���� Diurnal Motion of the Moon

���� ���� Phase of the Moon

���� ���� Phase of the Moon 2

������(�Ͻİ� ����) Eclipse

������ Tidal Force

���� ��� ���� Tides

�¾��� ���ֿ Diurnal Motion of Sun

�� �ΰ������� �˵� Path of Satellite

���� ������ ���� ��ȭ Earth's Revolution and Seasons

������ ���� ���� �˵� Real Orbit of Earth and Moon
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "earthscience") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "solar")) Then %>
�¾��� Solar System

�¾����� �Ը� Scale of the Solar System

�¾����� �Ը� Scale of the Solar System 2

���༺�� �ִ��̰� Maximum Elongation of Inner Planets

�ݼ��� �ÿ Apparent Motion of Venus

ȭ���� �ÿ Apparent Motion of Mars

���÷��� 1, 2 ��Ģ Kepler`s 1, 2 law
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "etc") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "mathmatics")) Then %>
���� Mathematics

�ﰢ���� �簢�� Triangle and Tetragon

�ɸ����� �Ļ緮 Gulliver`s Nutrition

���� ���� ���ϱ� Area of Circle

������ ī���� Binary Counting

������ Radians

�ﰢ �Լ� Trigonometric functions

���ǻ���Ŭ���̵� Epicycloid

����������Ŭ���̵� Hypocycloid

Ÿ�� Ellipse

������ ���ø� Digital Sampling

�Ľ�Į�� �ﰢ�� Pascal`s Triangle

��Ÿ�������� ���� Pythagorean Theorem

��Ÿ�������� ���� Pythagorean Theorem 2

��Ÿ�������� ���� Pythagoras Tree

�ܰ��� �� Sum of Exterior Angle

���Ժ���(��������) Normal Distribution

Ǫ���� �м� Fourier Analysis

�̺� Differentiation
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "etc") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "algorithm")) Then %>
������ Fractal, �˰����� Algorithm

���� ������ ���� ������ Ant Nanny`s Larva Collecting

���� ���� Life Game

C � C Curve

�巡�� Ŀ�� Dragon Curve

Hilbert � Hilbert Curve

���� � Koch Curve

�ÿ����ɽ�Ű � Sierpinski Curve

�������� ���� Mandelbrot Set

�ﰢ�� Ʈ�� Triangle Trick

�ϳ��� Ÿ�� Hanoi Tower

��Ʈ�� ��Ʈ String Art

�η��� ��Ʈ���� Lorenz Attractor

����� �������� Lorenz`s Water Mill
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "etc") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "games")) Then %>
���� ���� Science Games

�������� ������ Boat Puzzle: Missionaries and Cannibals

���ݱ� ���� Stone Picking Puzzle

���ݱ� ���� Stone Picking Puzzle 2

���ϰ� ������ ��Ģ Rocket and Principle of Inertia

Ŭ���� ���� Clay Shooting

���ݱ��� ������ � Bomber and Projectile Motion
<% End If %> <% If Request("sec") = "all" Or 0 < (InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "etc") + InStr(LCase(Request("sec")), "misc")) Then %>
��Ÿ Misc

�ð� a Clock
<% End If %>
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